

国際交流 < お知らせ < 最新ニュース


本年度も、APYLCの参加校である台湾のMingdao High Schoolとの間で、短期交流派遣プログラムが始まりました。本校の佐野瑠那さん、松本泰知さんの2名が、12月22日(日)~2024年1月4日(土)までの約2週間、英語での授業や様々な活動、またホームステイを通じて、貴重な学びと経験を得ています。

佐野 瑠那さん
Everyone in Taiwan has been so hospitable and I am having a very enjoyable and productive time. My life in Taiwan is full of surprises every day and especially the classes in Mingdao high school are exciting.
I think that through these classes, the students can acquire not only academic knowledge but also various other skills. I'll definitely make the most of this amazing opportunity and do my best so that it's a truly valuable experience.

松本 泰知さん
I'm having many great experiences from this exchange program. Mingdao junior senior high school has totally 8000 students. A week has just passed since I began studying as a member of an international course,and I participated in the badminton club. Classmates are very kind to me and I was excited. I appreciate the opportunity of this program.
